Previously the auto orient process was not using the defined service account which lead to errors for several customers.  A change was made in 4.3 to correct that so it will use the service account.  Previously it probably used whatever account was logged in or the local account.  If they are getting that error 1314 then it says that account does not have permission to call CreateProcessAsUser function.  

Here is some info from others on stackoverflow link.

The local account that is running your app must have these privileges enabled in the Local Security Policy:

Act as part of the operating system

Create a token object

Log on as a batch job

After looking for answer for hours, I finally found it in following link from MSDN. Hope it may help someone in future.

"To resolve this problem, you'll need to elevate the rights of the account calling CreateProcessAsUser with the "Replace a process level token" right. To do so, open the Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Local Security Policy and add the user account to the "Replace a process level token" right. (You may have to logout or even reboot to have this change take effect.)"